Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Low Cost Solar Engery can be constructed!

I would guess that most of us are understanding that the cost of energy is rising and it looks like it is going to keep rising, also not to mention the negative effect it has on our environment. Most people understand that solar energy is the ultimate solution. Basicly the cost of purchasing the equipment and installing a solar power unit system can cost thousands of dollars, but the good news is that you may not need to spend alot.

Low cost solar energy is now attainable by anybody wanting to save money on their power bill. By building your own solar power DIY system, you can slice the costs of purchasing a brand name system, in fact a DIY solar power unit will cost you around $200. The major parts of this cost is the materials needed to assemble the system and the manual to show you the right step to take. If i could do it anybody can do it!

No need to freak out if your not a Engineer or have any experience with solar panels. Putting together your own diy solar power kit is simple process and DVD's are issued to show you step by step instructions to build it without any hassle. Setting up your own system right now basicly enables you to own your own electricity, also putting together an energy storage system will allow you to see how much money you are actually saving. The materials needed to construct can be find at many hardware stores, you can also find some materials from scrap yards and build your unit for the cheapest price.

There some houses right now that are saving around 70% off on their power bill and some of them eliminate the bill completely. The savings are tremedous and for a low investment of around $200 I am pretty sure you would say the same that this is a low cost way to create solar energy. The reward of it all after you pay the assembly cost is that you get FREE energy and you don't have to pay your local power company anymore. It just don't get better than setting up a system that will save you money and also benefit the world is priceless when it comes to GOING GREEN!

Having been a solar energy consultant for a number of years, I will tell you I am excited about this low cost way, flexible to build your own energy and getting cheap solar energy.

Fore more information on how you can construct your own Renewable energy visit